Post Massage Relaxation
In terms of having to commute to and from your massage therapy session, it is likely that you have found yourself immediately unable to maintain a focus of relaxation on the way home. With in-home massage therapy, you will have an easier time staying relaxed once your massage therapist leaves.
Instead of having to immediately get back in the car and drive home, you can keep that level of zen, sit back, and relax right in your own home. For the best results, we recommend ordering your massage toward the end of your day and then ending your night with a warm bath after your massage therapy session is over. You deserve this important time for self-care and with the Breathe app, it has never been easier!
The Confidence to Control Your Session
Many of us feel a little uncomfortable with controlling our massage therapy sessions. If there is a particular change that you have felt reluctant to request in the past, an in-home massage therapy session gives you the home advantage. From adjusting the lights to removing scents, you are in your own home and can enjoy the extra flexibility that comes with it.
At a home therapy session, you will also have the added comfort of wearing whatever you prefer. You will be able to decide what makes you feel most comfortable whether it be leaving all of your clothes on, taking some of them off, ect. It is important to make sure that you wear clothes that are easy for your massage therapist to work around but the ball is in your court otherwise.
In-home Massage Therapy Caters to Special Circumstances
One of the biggest benefits of in-home massage therapy is the flexibility to offer services for very special circumstances. These special circumstances include an in-home massage therapists ability to visit elderly people or people with disabilities in their own space to receive treatment. They also include providing services for pregnant women or mothers who may not have the time or ability to travel for massage therapy.
In-home massage therapy is even great for special occasions with close friends. Looking for the perfect way to spend a girl’s night in? An on demand massage therapy app like Breathe can give you exactly what you’re looking for! This way, you can even order multiple massage therapists at a time to see to the needs of you and your loved ones.
Receive the Time That You’re Paying For
When visiting a traditional spa, you can usually expect for about 5-10 minutes of your hands-on time with your therapist to be taken away in order to prepare the room for their next client. This is time that you’re still paying for but that isn’t being geared toward meeting your personal needs.
With an in-home massage therapist, every minute of the time your therapist spends with you is for you and only you. This is the best way to get the most for your money. From the time that you order massage therapy services through the Breathe app to the time that your massage therapist leaves your home after the session, you can be sure that your needs have been met in the most cost-efficient way possible.